Alice Through the Looking Glass – Movie Trailer 2


A new trailer for the Alice Through the Looking Glass movie was released yesterday. This is the sequel to the Alice in Wonderland movie that was out in 2010. From both trailers it looks like it’s going to be a very interesting movie. Can’t wait to see it!

If you missed the first trailer then you can check it out here .

Not My Father’s Son – A Book Review

This book is a little bit out of my ordinary reads. I do like an autobiography every now and then and this one was quite interesting and left me thinking about it for a while after finishing it.

Not My Father’s Son is a memoir by the actor Alan Cumming (you may know him from his roles in the X-Men movies and The Good Wife TV show). The book is mainly about his relationship with his abusive father and his journey to find answers regarding the death of his grandfather.


I listened to it in audio which is narrated by the actor himself (I can’t say no to listening to a Scottish accent). The story goes back and forth in time between his life in Scotland as a child living with his father and his experiences in the more recent years and participation in the British TV show “Who do you think you are” to find out more about his maternal grandfather’s life and death.

I didn’t know anything about this actor before reading the book besides what films and shows he’s appeared on and I would not have imagined this actor having such a troubled childhood. The book is not long, it took me a couple of days to finish. It was well written, engaging and suspenseful. Here I’m sharing one of the interesting quotes in the book:

Memory is so subjective. We all remember in a visceral, emotional way, and so even if we agree on the facts—what was said, what happened where and when—what we take away and store from a moment, what we feel about it, can vary radically.

I haven’t read a good autobiography is a long time. This made me start to look for other best sellers in this genre. If you have any recommendations I’d love to hear them :)

The Book Courtship Tag

The Book Courtship Tag

I was tagged for the Book Courtship by Jenna at Reading with Jenna, thanks for the tag. She has a wonderful blog you should check out!

Phase 1: Initial Attraction. A book that you bought because of the cover?

12979788.jpgGears of Wonderland by Jason G. Anderson. I don’t usually buy a book just because of the cover, but this one is an exception.

It was a new release and I thought this cover is so creative; combines both steampunk and Alice in Wonderland so I had to buy this book.

 Phase 2: First Impressions. A book that you got because of the summary?

18619684I get all my books because of the summary, reviews and ratings on Goodreads and other sites. But before that I used to depend “only” on the summary.

One book that I can remember where I did that is The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. This is one of my favorite books its about a love story between a guy who travels back and forth in time (and cannot control it) and through that he meets a girl. Simple description but you should check it out. They made it into a movie but the book is much better.

Phase 3: Sweet Talk. A book with great writing?

9361589That’ll be The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. This book is beautifully written. In my review I described it like “an elegant dreamy fairy tale with detailed and very imaginative magical scenes“.

I listened to it in audio but because I loved it so much I went and got the paperback as well. 

Phase 4: First Date. A first book of a series which made you want to pick up the rest of the series?

MistbornMost of the books I read are series, so I have many, like Mistborn: The Final Empire, The Lies of Locke Lamora, etc.

Phase 5: Late Night Phone Calls. A book that kept you up all night?

7304203.jpgThere is no book that kept me up all night (would fall asleep) but I think the book I’ve stayed up reading the longest is ShadowFever by Karen Marie Moning. It was the last book in the series at the time (now I think there are 2 or 3 new ones) so it was finalizing everything in the previous 4 books.

Phase 6: Always on my mind. A book you could not stop thinking about?


The book I couldn’t stop thinking about for a while after finishing it was The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch. This is one of my favorite books. In brief, it’s about a group of thieves and their adventures stealing and conning the rich and powerful while trying to flee from people with evil magic. You should check out, it has excellent world building and characters with unique personalities and wit and at the end you’ll find yourselves rooting for these thieves.

Phase 7: Getting Physical. A book which you love the way it feels?

All my books feel the same. I don’t have one that sticks out but I love the way my Harry Potter Boxset looks.


Phase 8: Meeting the parents. A book which you would recommend to your family and friends?

9361589MistbornI’d recommend Mistborn and The Night Circus.

Phase 9: Thinking about the future. A book or series you know you will re read many times in the future?

7235533.jpgI don’t re-read much however I would re-read The Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson and perhaps reread it more than once.

I loved reading it for the first time, so I’d love to get back to it again. I plan to do so before the release of the third book sometime next year.

Phase 10: Share the love. Who do you tag?

Crimson Peak – A Book Review

I’m still in a reading slump, kinda. I still can’t seem to find a book to read on my Kindle. But I did find a couple of interesting audiobooks. One of them is Crimson Peak: The Official Movie Novelization by Nancy Holder.

25241995.jpgI have never read a ghost story before (maybe as a kid but I don’t remember). I was intrigued by the movie trailer but have not watched the movie yet. I got the audiobook a couple of days ago so I decided to read (listen to) the book first and at the same time try a genre I haven’t read before.

The blurb from goodreads “When her heart is stolen by a seductive stranger, a young woman is swept away to a house atop a mountain of blood-red clay: a place filled with secrets that will haunt her forever. Between desire and darkness, between mystery and madness, lies the truth behind Crimson Peak

The book was well written, fast paced and I’m sure gives more detail on what goes on in the minds of the characters and how they feel. Having watched the trailer before I kind of had an idea of what the setting, characters and the ghosts looked like. The narrator, Imogen Church, did a good job with all the character voices and expressions, even the ghosts! I enjoyed listening to it and me being someone who does not like horror books, I thought it was good as the book was more focused on the main story line and the characters. And as my first ghost story, this was a good book to start with.