Alice Through the Looking Glass – Movie Trailer 2


A new trailer for the Alice Through the Looking Glass movie was released yesterday. This is the sequel to the Alice in Wonderland movie that was out in 2010. From both trailers it looks like it’s going to be a very interesting movie. Can’t wait to see it!

If you missed the first trailer then you can check it out here .

Alice Through the Looking Glass – A Movie Trailer

When the day becomes the night, and the sky becomes the sea,

When the clock strikes heavy, and there’s no time for tea,

And in our darkest hour before my final rhyme,

she will come back home to wonderland, and turn back the hands of time

Last week Disney released the trailer for Alice in Wonderland’s sequel “Alice Through the Looking Glass”. I am a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland and can’t wait see this movie, looks awesome! It hits theaters on May 27, 2016.

The Martian – Movie Trailer

Finally a trailer for the movie “The Martian”! If you’ve been following my blog you would know that this book is one of my favorites and you can find my review here. The movie will be in theaters on November 25th this year. Hopefully it will live up to the expectations of the book readers.

Here’s another video they released before the trailer “The Martian – First Look Ares 3”: