My Book Year in Review


It’s that time of year to take a look back at what I have read, my likes and dislikes and to catch up with the goodreads book challenge. I have one book left to finish before I reach my goal of 25 books this year, and I’m almost done, yay!

Looking back at the books I’ve read this year, here are my favorites (in no particular order):

18007564The Martian – Andy Weir

I loved this book. I listened to this is audio and it was awesome, here is my review of the book. I also watched the movie but I don’t think it was as good as the book. Here is my movie review.


9361589The Night Circus – Erin Morgenstern

This is a book you would love to give as a gift. It’s fairy tale like story with magic and romance. I listened to it in audio and would recommend listening to it. Here is my review of this book.


9969571Ready Player One – Clive Ernest

I had so much fun listening to this book. I loved the 80’s references (my favorite decade in music) and I loved the imagination of how life would be when virtual reality takes the lead. Here is my review.


republicofthievesThe Republic of Thieves – Scott Lynch

Book 3 of one of my favorite series The Gentleman Bastard series. This book was not as good as the first, but much better than the second. I can’t wait for the 4th book that should come out sometime next year, I hope.


Academ's FuryAcadem’s Fury – Jim Butcher

This is book 2 of the Codex Alera series. Reading this book was a lot of fun. I enjoyed the first book too but this one was even better. I’m at book 3 now and plan to finish the whole series by next year.


518848Sabriel – Garth Nix

This was an easy, fun and interesting book. It had magic, weird creatures and a new world. It follows the journey of Sabriel, an 18 year old necromancer looking for her father in a magical world called The Old Kingdom.


MistbornMistborn – Brandon Sanderson

No matter how many times you read this book it still gets a solid 5 star rating on goodreads. Intriguing, awesome new world building and magical system. Here is my review. I reread this book earlier this year thinking I’d finish rereading the whole series before the publication of the 5th book Shadows of Self but I didn’t have the time to squeeze them in. So it’s in my plan for next year.


5Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban – J. K. Rowling

I received the Harry Potter Boxset as a gift last year and being someone who has never read the books (only watched the movies and loved them) I was pretty excited to start reading. So far I’ve only read the first 4 books and this one was my favorite.

I did enjoy other books but they didn’t make my favorite list. So what were your favorites this year?