Siblinghood Award


I was nominated last December for the Siblinghood Award by Michelle at Michelle Book Addict. Thanks Michelle! :) Below are the rules, my answers and my questions.

1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog
2. Put the award logo on your blog
3. Answer the ten questions you were given
4. Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer
5. Nominate ten other blogs



1. How long have you been blogging?

I started this blog in March 2015, so about 10 months.

2. E-book vs Paper – Between the two, what do you own the most books?

I have never counted how many books I have (I should probably do that sometime), but I’m sure I have more paper books than e-books since I’ve been reading and buying books way before I got my first Kindle a couple of years ago.

3. Who is your favorite author and why?

Brandon Sanderson. The fantasy worlds that he builds and the magical systems are very interesting and so well defined. His books are page turners and the kind of books that make you pause while reading and say “wow, that’s awesome”.


4. What genre or book type is out of your comfort zone?

That’ll be horror.

5. What was your favorite book that you read this year?

That’s a tough one. But I think I’d have to say Ready Player One. It was so much fun. Would love to read more books like this.


6. Who is your favorite animal or pet characters?

That’ll be Oy the Billy-Blumper from the Dark Tower Series by Stephen King.


7. Who is your favorite dream-guy hero character?

Well, my favorite male character is Locke Lamora (though not a dream guy hero type at all).

8. Apples and Oranges: Normally the book is better than the movie. What movie do you think was better than the book?

I know I have one but I can’t remember : ) .

9. What is your favorite holiday or season?

That’ll be the time around New Years. I love the lights and decorations, but I’m not fond of the cold weather.


10. Did you set any goals this year, and did you complete them?

Yeap!  :)



My Ten New Questions for my Nominees to answer

  1. If you could live in one of the fictional worlds, which one would it be and why?
  2. What is/are your all time favorite book(s)?
  3. What is your favorite reading setting (at home, drinking tea, etc)?
  4. If you could give a book as a gift to anyone right now which book would that be?
  5. What are the books you’re most looking forward to reading this year?
  6. Who is your favorite fictional character and from which book/series?
  7. How many books did you read last year?
  8. Which format do you prefer your books in Hardcover/  Paperback/ Ebook/ Audiobook?
  9. Coffee or tea?
  10. What is your favorite movie based on a book you’ve read?


Nominate Ten Six Other Blogs

  1. Scifi and Scary 
  2. My Bookish Dream
  3. Books Coffee and Life
  4. Cup of Tea with that Book, Please
  5. My Little Book Blog
  6. The Obsessive Bookseller


3 thoughts on “Siblinghood Award

  1. I seriously need to read something by Brandon Sanderson, I have heard only amazing things about him. Ready Player One is one of my favourites as well! <3
    Thank you for nominating me! :D

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